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Pi Network Announced A Transparent Roadmap Version 1, Have a Look

Pi Network Announced A Transparent Roadmap Version 1, Have a Look

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/ Discover Pi Network’s Transparent Roadmap Version 1, shaping the future of cryptocurrency with innovative projects and opportunities.

By Nilesh Hembade.

Date: 07 Nov 2023, 14:25 PM IST

Pi Network, the most trending cryptocurrency mining platform since 2019, has recently announced “A Transparent Roadmap Version 1”. In this roadmap, Pi Network has provided each and every development throughout the years. This roadmap is an answer for the people who were doubting the project. This milestone marks a significant step towards Pi Network’s mission to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, powered by the widely-used cryptocurrency, Pi. Let’s take a closer look at what this roadmap entails.

Inception of Pi Network

Pi Network’s journey began in December 2018 when the mobile app was publicly listed on major app stores as an alpha prototype, ushering in the initial pioneers. It was a humble beginning that laid the foundation for what was to come.

The Birth of Pi Network

On March 14, 2019, which coincidentally is celebrated as Pi Day, the original Pi Whitepaper was published. This was a momentous occasion that officially marked the launch of Pi Network, introducing the world to the concept of a people-powered cryptocurrency.

Testnet: Phase II

The next crucial phase, Phase II, commenced on March 14, 2020. During this phase, Pi Network transitioned to a decentralized blockchain, introducing a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from across the globe. This testnet allowed for the blockchain’s rigorous testing and enabled the community to begin creating utilities using Test-Pi.

Enclosed Mainnet: Phase III

December 2021 ushered in Phase III: Enclosed Mainnet. During this period, the Mainnet went live but with a firewall in place to prevent unwanted external connectivity. This phase provided pioneers with an opportunity to take their time to KYC (Know Your Customer) and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain, while the community actively developed apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet.

Open Mainnet: Phase III

The future holds Phase III: Open Mainnet, which will depend on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. During this phase, the firewall will be removed, allowing external connectivity to other networks, wallets, and anyone interested in connecting to Pi Mainnet.

Building the Ecosystem

Pi Network is committed to building a cohesive ecosystem that revolves around practical needs, decentralized development, secure blockchain, and a community of passionate pioneers. This convergence aims to realize Pi’s ultimate vision: creating the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the widely-used cryptocurrency.

A Glimpse of Pi’s Projects

The Pi Network has over 20 active projects, each with key milestones and works-in-progress:


  • Mining App: The Pi Mining app, available on iOS and Android, is where pioneers can sign up, mine Pi, receive network announcements, participate in community activities, and interact with others.
  • Pi Chats: A messaging solution within the Pi App for open-format discussions, which has evolved into a communication app designed to encourage constructive connections while curbing unwanted messages.
  • Fireside Forum: A Web3 social networking app that leverages Pi cryptocurrency to create a decentralized, authentic space for meaningful conversations.
  • Brainstorm: A place for community developers and pioneers to propose Pi App ideas, join existing projects, and review project ideas.


  • Pi Browser: The gateway to Pi’s Web3 app ecosystem, where pioneers engage with apps using their Pi account and transact with their Pi Wallet.
  • Ecosystem Interface: Showcasing curated Testnet and Mainnet Pi Apps built by the community, providing a preview of the potential Mainnet Ecosystem and its diverse use cases.
  • PiNet: Bridges Pi’s Web3 apps to the Web2 world, allowing pioneers to interact with them on any browser.

Developer Platform and Tools:

  • Pi Developer Platform: A Web3 platform offering direct access to a large user base, simplified development processes, and resources for creating utilities for the Pi cryptocurrency.
  • Developer Portal: A one-stop app management tool for Pi App developers, providing access to the tools and resources of the Pi Developer Platform.

Blockchain Essentials:

  • Blockchain: An energy-efficient, decentralized ledger that records all Pi transactions, enabling secure and verifiable exchanges of Pi for app usage, goods, and services.
  • Node: Allows pioneers to run the blockchain on their computers, contributing to the network’s security and offering access to most Pi mobile app functionalities on a desktop application.
  • KYC: “Know Your Customer” procedure to identify and verify pioneer identities, ensuring compliance with regulations and the authenticity of pioneers within the Pi ecosystem.
  • Token Model and Mining Mechanism: A framework to identify and reward contributions to the evolving needs of the network, such as security, growth, inclusion, utilities creation, stability, and longevity.
  • Pi Wallet: A noncustodial cryptocurrency wallet for holding and transferring cryptocurrencies, currently only Pi and Test-Pi, which enables secure and convenient peer-to-peer transactions.
  • BlockExplorer: Enables pioneers to explore the Pi Mainnet and Testnet blockchains, view transaction histories, and monitor the network’s health.

Community Initiatives:

  • Events: Bringing the Pi community together to share ideas, collaborate, enhance engagement, and strengthen their shared identity as pioneers.
  • Pi Hackathons: Mobilizing developers to build Pi Apps and enhance utilities on the platform.
  • Developer Ambassador Program: Pioneers inspire builders in their network to build Pi Apps and receive Pi rewards when the app reaches a predetermined milestone.
  • Pi App Incubator: Mentoring and supporting Community Pi App teams to enhance their Pi Apps, promoting utility creation in the network.
  • Pi-Powered Commerce Program: Enabling pioneers and local businesses to use Pi in offline and online transactions, boosting its real-world utility.

As Pi Network continues to evolve and expand its ecosystem, the future looks bright for pioneers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide. Keep an eye on the progress of this exciting venture, and stay tuned for the second version of the transparent roadmap coming soon.

For more information of Pi Network and its projects, visit their official website and be a part of this revolutionary journey in the world of cryptocurrency.

To Read More Information of Roadmap V1, go on this official page.

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