Bitcoin Price History of June Month for the Last 3 Years

Bitcoin Price History of June Month for the Last 3 YearsBitcoin Price History of June Month for the Last 3 Years

June has been a bearish month for bitcoin over the last three years and eventful month for the cryptocurrency market, and Bitcoin, being the pioneer and most prominent cryptocurrency, attracts a lot of attention during this time. In this article, we will explore the price history of Bitcoin for the month of June over the past three years.

1. Bitcoin in June 2022:

In June 2022, Bitcoin experienced a volatile period. The month began with an opening price of $31,793.1. The price then reached a high of $31,969.9 before encountering significant downward pressure. The lowest point in June was recorded at $17,630.5. The trading volume for the month was 3.79 million. 

Overall, Bitcoin’s price in June 2022 suffered a considerable decline, with a change percentage of -37.32%.

Bitcoin Price History Graph of June Month for the Last 3 Years (1)

2. Bitcoin in June 2021:

The year 2021 was marked by a significant bullish run for Bitcoin, and June was no exception. At the start of June 2021, Bitcoin opened at $37,294.3. The price surged throughout the month, reaching a high of $41,318.0. However, there were periods of correction and consolidation as well, leading to a low of $28,901.8. The trading volume for June 2021 stood at 4.14 million. 

Despite some fluctuations, Bitcoin’s price in June 2021 experienced a modest decrease, with a change percentage of -6.09%.

3.Bitcoin in June 2020:

June 2020 was a relatively stable month for Bitcoin. It began with an opening price of $9,454.5. The price gradually increased, hitting a high of $10,301.8 during the month. The lowest point in June was recorded at $8,865.3. The trading volume in June 2020 was significantly higher compared to the previous two years, amounting to 15.35 million.

 Bitcoin’s price in June 2020 saw a minor decline, with a change percentage of -3.38%.


In the month of June over the past three years, Bitcoin experienced a bearish trend. The price of Bitcoin generally declined during this period, indicating a negative market sentiment.

 It is important to note that this conclusion is based on historical data and may not necessarily indicate future market behavior. It is always recommended to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

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