What Is r/cryptocurrency? | How You Can Earn MOON

what isr/cryptocurrency

what is r/cryptocurrency? |Here Is How You Can Earn r/cryptocurrency MOON

Before going to r/cryptocurrency lets understand important terms:

What is reddit :Reddit is a social media networking website that consists of forums where users can anonymously submit content such as text, photos, videos, and links.

What is subreddit: The site is composed of hundreds of subcommunities, known as subreddits. Each subreddit has a specific topic, such as technology, politics or music.

What is r/cryptocurrency?

what is r/crptocurrency

The most popular crypto-related subreddit, r/cryptocurrnecy, has over 6.3 million community, making it the go-to spot for general crypto news and conversations.
Even ‘Moons’—a type of currency—can be awarded to users in this subreddit for their contributions. Moons are an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network that Reddit users may acquire by leaving comments and upvoting posts on the r/Cryptocurrency forum.

What is is r/cryptocurrency MOON ?


Moon is the official cryptocurrency of the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit, a community dedicated to publishing news, announcements, and discussions related to the world of crypto and blockchain.

In May 2020, Reddit admins announced Moons, an ERC-20 token on Arbitrum Nova, as a component of the Community Points initiative.
They serve as a way for users to receive a share of ownership in the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit in exchange for their contributions.
Moons are separate from Reddit and cannot be taken away from users once earned by either the subreddit moderators or the admins.
A collection of smart contracts that deal with balances, transfers, distribution/claiming, and buying Special Memberships control Moons.
Independent security company Trail of Bits has analysed and audited the mobile apps and smart contracts.

How To Earn r/cryptocurrency MOON ?

How To Earn r/cryptocurrency MOON

Moons reward posters, commenters, and moderators for their contributions to the subreddit. They are distributed monthly and used to weight your vote on polls.

there are guidelines if you want to participate in the crypto subreddit. Users are limited to discussing crypto-related subjects in the group. Additionally, you can discuss topics related to the crypto culture. In the present, the subreddit is a hub of developer and user interaction. Typically, the topics cover trading tips, funny material, and cryptocurrency news.

Where You Can Store The MOON :

Where You Can Store The MOON :

The official iOS or Android Reddit mobile app contains the vault, an Ethereum wallet where the Vault Moons are kept.
In the event that a user loses or damages their device, they are given the tools to restore their vault.
Moons can also be accessed from a desktop computer using the vault password or a push notification from a smartphone.
Set up two factor authentication for your account if you haven’t already! This will significantly lower the likelihood that your MOONs will be stolen.

Official Website : https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/


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