Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Becomes The Top Gainer Of The Week

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Becomes The Top Gainer Of The Week

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Becomes The Top Gainer Of The Week

Know The Factors Behind This Surge

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Becomes The Top Gainer Of The Week


Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

( SAT 24 JUNE 2023 17:50 PM )

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has emerged as the top gainer of the week in the cryptocurrency market, experiencing an impressive surge of 78% in the last seven days. Currently trading at $191.50, BCH has witnessed a substantial increase of 32.25% in the past day alone, contributing to its MarketCap of $4 billion, as reported by coinsmarketcap.


Key Factors Behind This Surge

1.Bitcoin ETF Season: The ongoing Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) season has propelled the bulls in the crypto market, driving up the prices of various cryptocurrencies. This favorable market condition has benefitted BCH, resulting in a notable surge in its value.

2.EDX Markets Listing: EDX Markets (EDX), a renowned exchange backed by Citadel and Fidelity, made a significant announcement by listing Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). This development has sparked investor interest and confidence in BCH, leading to its remarkable gains.

3.Bullish Sentiment: The overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market is currently bullish, with many major digital currencies experiencing substantial price increases. Bitcoin Cash has capitalized on this positive market sentiment and witnessed a surge in demand, consequently driving its price upwards.


Bitcoin SV (BSV) and Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Bitcoin SV (BSV) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) have also witnessed remarkable price gains alongside BCH. With the listing announcement by EDX Markets, both BSV and ETC experienced significant spikes in their values.

Bitcoin SV (BSV) has surged by 48% in the last seven days and is currently trading at $37.99, with an additional increase of 24.89% in the past day alone.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) has seen a surge of 24.57% over the past week, reaching a trading value of $19.12. It also recorded a notable increase of 12.41% within the last 24 hours. ETC currently boasts a MarketCap of $3 billion.

The impressive gains displayed by Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), and Ethereum Classic (ETC) highlight the positive momentum in the cryptocurrency market. Investors are keeping a close eye on these digital assets as they continue to demonstrate their potential for significant returns.



Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank. It is designed to be secure, transparent, and decentralized. Unlike traditional fiat currencies (such as the US dollar or the Euro), which are issued and regulated by a central authority, cryptocurrencies rely on cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control the creation of new units.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2017 as a result of a hard fork from the original Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain. It was developed with the intention of addressing certain limitations of Bitcoin, particularly in terms of scalability and transaction speed.

Bitcoin Cash aims to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, providing fast, low-cost transactions that can be used for everyday transactions. It increases the block size limit of the Bitcoin blockchain from 1MB to 8MB (and later increased further to 32MB) to accommodate more transactions per block, thereby increasing the network’s capacity and scalability.

Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a cryptocurrency that emerged as a result of a contentious hard fork from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) in November 2018. The name “SV” stands for “Satoshi Vision,” and the project aims to restore what its supporters believe is the original vision of Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

The primary motivation behind the creation of Bitcoin SV was to increase the block size limit even further than Bitcoin Cash, with the goal of achieving massive on-chain scalability. BSV increased the block size limit to 128MB initially, and it continues to scale further over time.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that emerged as a result of a contentious hard fork from the original Ethereum (ETH) blockchain in 2016. The split occurred following a major security breach in the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), a smart contract platform built on Ethereum.

The Ethereum Classic blockchain retains the original principles and features of the pre-fork Ethereum, emphasizing immutability and the execution of smart contracts. The core ideology of Ethereum Classic is to maintain a blockchain that is free from censorship, interference, and alterations, even in cases where security vulnerabilities or fraudulent transactions occur.



Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has emerged as the top gainer of the week in the cryptocurrency market, experiencing a substantial surge of 78% in the last seven days. This surge can be attributed to several factors, including the ongoing Bitcoin ETF season, the listing of BCH on EDX Markets, and the overall bullish sentiment in the crypto market. 

Bitcoin SV (BSV) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) have also witnessed significant price gains alongside BCH. These remarkable gains highlight the positive momentum in the cryptocurrency market, attracting investor attention and showcasing the potential for significant returns.

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